Thursday, July 3, 2014

Outlaw Xanax! (alprazolam)

There is nothing for which this drug is prescribed that cannot be managed just as well, and with far less co-morbidity, by a different benzodiazepine, or even a drug of another class.

CDC report

Oxycodone gets all the press-as well as other opioids, causing legitimate pain patients to jump though draconian pain management contract hoops to obtain the medicine they have used for years to perform activities of daily living.

But alprazolam is almost always co-abused, especially by those found DEAD of polypharmacy abuse.

Why isn't Alprazolam Schedule 2? Or even Schedule ONE. There's a thought!

Why aren't patients required to sign a Medication Management Contract [like they are for opioids] for Xanax?