Go ahead-check out a copy of your own EHR. It's only $15 & fits on one CD.
Do it soon-for your own safety. Once you are unconscious on that gurney, it will be too late!
You need to know what Kaiser really thinks about you. I found ad hominem attacks that were both outrageous & untrue. Data that didn't exist until 2010 was back-added to 2007 records
Bogus psychiatric diagnoses were entered without any psychiatric workup or testing, about patients with no psychopathology at all. These "psych diagnoses" were used to deny hospital admission & medical treatment for complicated medical conditions, on the grounds the patient would be "too disruptive". Not only is this immoral & unethical; All the while Kaiser is collecting premiums & co-pays on these capitated patients, while cleverly denying them the care they are paying for.