Thursday, July 3, 2014

Outlaw Xanax! (alprazolam)

There is nothing for which this drug is prescribed that cannot be managed just as well, and with far less co-morbidity, by a different benzodiazepine, or even a drug of another class.

CDC report

Oxycodone gets all the press-as well as other opioids, causing legitimate pain patients to jump though draconian pain management contract hoops to obtain the medicine they have used for years to perform activities of daily living.

But alprazolam is almost always co-abused, especially by those found DEAD of polypharmacy abuse.

Why isn't Alprazolam Schedule 2? Or even Schedule ONE. There's a thought!

Why aren't patients required to sign a Medication Management Contract [like they are for opioids] for Xanax?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

If You Think Medical Records Falsification is Bad at the VA--Wait till they investigate Kaiser Permanente!

Go ahead-check out a copy of your own EHR. It's only $15 & fits on one CD.

Do it soon-for your own safety. Once you are unconscious on that gurney, it will be too late!

You need to know what Kaiser really thinks about you. I found ad hominem attacks that were both outrageous & untrue. Data that didn't exist until 2010 was back-added to 2007 records

Bogus psychiatric diagnoses were entered without any psychiatric workup or testing, about patients with no psychopathology at all. These "psych diagnoses" were used to deny hospital admission & medical treatment for complicated medical conditions, on the grounds the patient would be "too disruptive". Not only is this immoral & unethical; All the while Kaiser is collecting premiums & co-pays on these capitated patients, while cleverly denying them the care they are paying for.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Despite Public Opposition, Lena Tam Vows Alameda Will Have License Plate Readers Before She Leaves Office.

Remember this the next time her name appears on a ballot [like for the BART Board in the upcoming election]
At the Alameda, CA, City Council meeting of Tuesday 4 Feb 2014, at about 10:30 pm during "Council Communications", Councilwoman Lena Tam announced the results of Alameda's Public Forum on ALPRs [Automatic License Plate Readers] which took place the previous night in the Alameda Main Library . She failed to note the substantial public objections raised against the data storage policies proposed or currently in place. She stated the meeting was well-attended & the public appeared "engaged", and the Alameda Police Department has the go-ahead to seek Federal grant funding for the project.
It is not known if Alameda will be one of the 60 test locations chosen for the nationwide "Stop-and-Swab" project, funded by an $8 million National Highway Traffic Safety Administration grant, in which motorists are pulled over by local uniformed police without probable cause, at a checkpoint & offered $10 if they will allow a data gatherer to take a cheek swab to check for the presence of drugs in their saliva.
According to the original article, these checkpoints "collect DNA samples through coercion from drivers stopped without probable cause" Read it here:
Perhaps this will be Lena Tam's Next Big Idea for Enhancing Public Safety..